Testing Season


I know it is close to testing time at schools when I get updates on what can and can not be signed during tests.  If you’d like to refresh your memory please read the following from the Florida Department of Education.

2014-2015 FSA and FCAT_FCAT 2.0_NGSSS EOC Assessment Accommodations Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In other news, I am still going to workshops.  It’s about once a month.  I love it.  I can’t get enough.  Sometimes 6 hours isn’t enough time for the presenter to explain implicit -> explict meaning.  *sigh* I’m sure you could spend months on how to do that effectively in the classroom.

2nd Quarter Ends & quick updates

Ugh..I’m getting bad about not posting things.  I apologize.  Things have been whirlwind and stagnant at the same time.  Let me break it down…

Whirlwind:  The students are joining after school programs and that takes up time and energy setting up interpreter coverage.  Because some of these programs require multiple days and extended hours I have to provide the district with how many extra hours of pay the interpreters are the school are going to need.  Fun stuff… I wouldn’t ever want to be a lead interpreter for a district.  Oof…too much. ..and then when the student decides to cancel…more followup to our lead interpreter.

Stagnant: Educational interpreting in my opinion is a lot of the same thing, everyday. Sure the topics, lessons, situations vary but for the most part…  This isn’t a bad thing.  It’s nice to know where you are interpreting everyday.  Thank goodness for the random assembly to freak you out in the middle of a day-to-day rut. 😀

So why haven’t I been posting?  Honestly, it’s laziness.  I haven’t felt like I’ve had much to contribute to the interpreting community lately.  I’m focusing on my skills.  Today was a teacher planning day so I seized and opportunity to attend a workshop this morning on Prosody.  I love learning.  Especially when it’s about something I really enjoy doing.  I feel like prosody is one of those things that you could take a million workshops on and still only scratch the surface of what that means.

I’m thankful for the four-day weekend.  I know that testing season is coming up. In fact, I believe we have some testing after we get back from the holiday.  Time to fill my head with songs so I can repeat them and keep myself from dozing. During the reading tests, I can interpret the directions and then am required to sit quietly while the students test.  Whee…

I will try to keep you updated with my journey.  I’m going to a lot of workshops over the next few months.  I think I’m going to register to take the EIPA Performance test again at the end of the summer.